Investor Relations

Group Companies

B3´s subsidiaries are:

B3 Digitas Ltda. (“B3 Digitas”)

Established in 2022 in São Paulo, B3 Digitas, initially named B3 Digital Assets Serviços Digitas Ltda, aims to follow the trend of bringing the financial market closer to the digital assets segment and reduce the complexity of accessing this market through the development of an infrastructure for digital assets.

B3 Inova USA LLC (“B3 Inova”)

Wholly-owned subsidiary of B3 established in 2017, in Delaware (USA), whose corporate purpose is the investment of capital in other companies and raise financial resources the with the purpose of executing the technology investment policy adopted by the Company.

B3 S.A. – Brasil, Bolsa, Balcao UK Ltd. (“B3 UK”)

Wholly-owned subsidiary of B3, established in London, has the objective of representing B3 in the United Kingdom and EMEA, through the relationship with other exchanges and regulatory agents, as well as assisting in the prospection of new clients for the market, within the respective regulatory limits.

B3 S.A. USA Chicago LLC (“B3 USA”)

Wholly-owned subsidiary of B3 USA incorporated in Delaware (USA) in 2020 whose corporate purpose is promoting B3’s institutional representation in North America, through the relationship with other exchanges and regulatory agents.

Banco B3 S.A. (“B3 Bank”)

In order to attend the clients and the specificities of its market, B3, through B3 Bank, which started its activities in 2004, provides the participants of the markets it manages and its clients with settlement and qualified custody services. Additionally, through the B3 Bank, B3 clearinghouses have immediate access to the Central Bank of Brazil’s rediscount system, which mitigates the liquidity risk they face, especially when there is a need for execution and/or monetization of federal government securities posted as collateral. The Bank also operates in the issuance of BDRs (Brazilian Depositary Receipts), in custody and representation services for non-resident investors, custody and control for investment funds, as well as the ability to provide settlement services for institutions authorized by the Central Bank of Brazil within payment arrangements, and other activities provided for in its corporate purpose.

B3 IP Holding Ltda. ("B3 IP Holding")

B3 IP Holding is a limited liability company based in São Paulo, established by B3 in March 2022, with the exclusive purpose of holding equity partic

B3 Instituição de Pagamento Ltda. ("B3 IP")

B3 IP is a limited liability company based in São Paulo, established by B3 in March 2022, to engage in the activities of payment initiation and data aggregation.

BLK Sistemas Financeiros Ltda. (“BLK”)

BLK is a limited liability company headquartered in São Paulo, and its corporate purpose is mainly the development of computer programs (software), licensing or assignment of rights of use of computer programs, IT technical support, information services activities, and leasing of website space. Among the software and algorithms for the execution of orders for the capital and financial derivatives markets developed by BLK is RoboTrader, its main platform.


Wholly-owned subsidiary of B3, BRV established in Delaware (USA), as a result of the strategic partnership set up between B3 and the CME Group. BM&FBOVESPA BRV LLC is co-holder, together with B3, of all intellectual property rights in connection with the equities module of the PUMA Trading System platform- Primarily, it serves as a safeguard for these rights.

Bolsa de Valores do Rio de Janeiro (“BVRJ”)

BVRJ, a subsidiary of B3, is an inactive entity that, since 2004, rents out part of the physical space of its headquarters building. The Rio Exchange Convention Center is made available for seminars, conferences, training activities and private meetings.

Central de Exposição a Derivativos – CED (“CED”)

Controlled by B3 and based in the city of São Paulo, its corporate purpose is to provide transparency to the capital market regarding the positions of derivatives contracted in Brazil, allowing a more precise evaluation of the financial institutions when granting credit to companies in this type of operation.

Cetip Info Tecnologia S.A. (“Cetip Info”)

Wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, whose corporate purpose consists of the rendering of data processing and information technology management services, commercial advice and representation on its own behalf and on behalf of third parties, the intermediation of business in general, except in the real estate area, and the holding of equity interests in other companies, whether in the same line of business or not.

Cetip Lux S.à.r.l. (“Cetip Lux”)

Limited liability company wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, headquartered in Luxembourg, whose corporate purpose consists in the acquisition of interests in the capital of any companies or entities established under any form, and the raising of financial resources.

Neoway Tecnologia Integrada Assessoria e Negócios S.A. (“Neoway”)

It is a limited liability company, headquartered in Florianópolis, Santa Catarina, whose corporate purpose is to organize and supplement its clients’ database with qualified information and provide market intelligence services through information technology, by means of a big data platform, artificial intelligence, and integrated analysis tools.

Neurotech Tecnologia da Informação S.A. ("Neurotech")

Established in 2002 in Recife. It is a publicly traded company controlled by B3. Its corporate objective is to offer analytical solutions to its clients, supporting them in decision-making processes that require analysis of a large amount of unstructured information in credit management, risk reduction, and fraud prevention. Neurotech serves companies primarily operating in the credit, retail, insurance, financial, and fintech sectors.


A privately held corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Company, whose corporate purpose is to provide solutions to clients in notarial services, enhancing the efficiency of such services through the provision of the following services: (i) integration and registration of electronic documents for authentication purposes; (ii) email opening and confirmation; (iii) technical support, maintenance, and other information technology services; (iv) production of legally valid electronic documents; (v) document dispatching; and (vi) credit collection and recovery.

Datastock Tecnologia e Serviços Ltda. (“Datastock”)

A privately held company controlled by B3 since 2023, based in São Paulo, specialized in managing the integration of new and used vehicle inventory in stores. They have developed a system for processing transaction information of vehicles with integration to the federal Renave system, which is mandatory for new vehicles starting in 2022.

The associated companies in which B3 has a minority stake are:


B3 has a 20% stake in the affiliate RTM, a private communication network created especially for the financial sector. RTM manages data, voice and image services and develops specific solutions for users in the financial sector.


B3 has a minority stake of 37.5% in the share capital of Dimensa, a subsidiary of TOTVS resulting from the separation (carve-out) of the management solutions operation for the financial services segment. Dimensa’s portfolio includes: a platform of great prominence in the investment fund market, with solutions for the processing and control of middle and back offices; a core banking solutions platform aimed at small and medium-sized banks; and a processing and management platform for private label card operations.

The companies associated with B3 are:


The B3 Social Investment is a civil society organization, which was created in 2007 for the purpose of integrating and coordinating our social investment projects.

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Last updated on August 22, 2024